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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

McWilliams Reservoir 9/19/23
McWilliams Reservoir on the Roaring Creek Rail Trail.
Click on photo to enlarge

"Encouragement For Endurance"

Message summary: Some of you are in a season of setbacks or you are dealing with a discouraging situation. May this brief exposition of the daily text bring you encouragement and endurance!

No podcast due to travel

"For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope" (Romans 15:4).

Many of you are waiting for problems to be resolved in your life whether it be medical, relational, financial or otherwise. In the meantime you must endure the painful process of seeing how it will all work out. Just yesterday we sought to encourage a young man whose hand was injured at work requiring surgery and now extensive therapy. He is somewhat discouraged about the long ordeal as he deals with numbness in his fingers and extreme pain but doctors are hopeful that the nerve will repair over the next year.

He has a tattoo that says "HOPE" so we were able to point to that word and give it biblical expression as we described the hope that Christ provides. (Since tattoos are rampant on people's bodies these days, we can occasionally find a positive use).

May this brief word from the daily text bring you endurance and encouragement and endurance today!

"Everything that was written in the past."
Paul here acknowledges the truth of what he later expounded on to Timothy when he wrote, "All Scripture is inspired by God" (2 Timothy 3:16). We can be assured that the divine Editor has provided in His Word all we need and we should diligently seek the Bible in its entirety for His teaching. If we faithfully study we find that even the harder passages, where the meaning and value are not as apparent, are rich with truth. Often life's experiences will bring added meaning and understanding to these difficult passages over one's lifetime.

"Was written to teach us." The purpose of that which was written in Holy Scripture is that we might be taught. Significantly, Jesus' followers are called disciples (Greek "mathetes" which primarily means a learner). The great commission was and is to make disciples. Are you learning today? Are you growing in Christ? Specifically can you remember the central truths your pastor shared in his last sermon? What about the Word you read this morning? The Word is always an effective teacher, but we also have a responsibility as learners. Most learning takes place by constant exposure, experience and familiarity. (See the Bible knowledge test below.)

"So that through endurance." This is a great and vitally necessary truth. A quality so lacking in our world, even among many Christ-followers is endurance. The Greek word that is used here (hupomone) conveys, "to undergo, i.e. bear (trials), have fortitude, persevere, abide". In our world of vacillation and instability we need maturing followers of Christ to demonstrate the character quality of endurance! By God's grace let us demonstrate it today, even and especially when the going is tough.

"And the encouragement of the Scriptures." God's Word applied to our lives develops this endurance and richly encourages us. Feed on it today, all day. Hide it in your heart. Memorize it. Sing it.

How sure the Scriptures are! God's vital, urgent word,
as true as steel, and far more sharp than any sword:
So deep and fine, at his control they pierce where soul and spirit join.

"We might have hope."
Do you need hope today? Sure you do. Some more acutely then others. Hear from this Scripture and be encouraged: "And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us" (Romans 5:5).

Be encouraged today, (Hebrews 3:13)

Stephen & Brooksyne Weber

Praying man Daily prayer: Jesus, I'm so thankful for the hope You give us that is far more than just wishful thinking. It is based upon the unshakable foundation of the inspired Word of God. It is through the enduring Word that we find encouragement and needed strength to stand firm during the times of testing or when others scoff and try to revise Your instruction for our lives. Our hope is in You, our Lord and God, maker of heaven and earth! Amen.

 Today's Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources

"The God Who Stays"  Watch video on YouTube  Matthew West

Daily Encouragement Net Bible Knowledge Quiz

This quiz is intended to check your overall knowledge of the Bible, based upon your personal reading and exposure to Biblical teaching over time. This is not material you "cram" for, since it is a broad overview of Biblical knowledge and understanding.

Knowing the answers to many of these questions indicates your overall familiarity with the Bible. I would not expect a newer Christian who has only recently started reading and studying the Bible to know as many answers as a long-time student of Scripture.

This quiz will take awhile so take it when you are able to concentrate for an extended period of time.

I suggest you initially take it with your Bible closed and then do so with an open Bible by going back over it.

You may also print out the quiz and share it with others if you would like.
It is completely anonymous and collects no personally identifying information.

Click here to get started with the Quiz. If you'd like to leave the Quiz at any time, just click "Exit this Quiz".

Roaring Creek Rail Trail 9/19/23
Yesterday we road our bikes 16 miles on the Roaring Creek Trail, which runs through a valley in Northumberland and Columbia Counties. The trail runs along three lakes, including the one in our lead photo.

Sodom School 9/19/23
We passed octagonal shaped Sodom School in Northumberland County. It was built in 1812 and used till 1915. The name of the school may come from the "Sodom Tavern" which did business in Montandon 1832–1855, or from the hamlet of Sodom which was named by Lot Carson, the owner of another tavern, who died by falling down a well while drunk. You'd think they would have come up with a better name!

Rishel Covered Bridge 9/19/23
Rishel Covered Bridge in Northumberland County. Before we drove through Rishel Bridge the 6'3" maximum height requirement sign caught our attention since Stephen is 6'2". We've been through many covered bridges since moving to Lancaster County but never one with such height limitations. Before crossing Stephen stood next to the height guard clearance bar with only an inch to spare. Likely the township is barring any commercial trucks from entering the bridge. Our van antenna barely made it through the bar.

Sunflower field 9/19/23
Sunflower field in Union County near Lewisburg, where we spent the night. Brooksyne got out of the car for this amazing view. Only in recent years have we seen huge sunflower fields in our area and our travels.

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Thank you,

Stephen & Brooksyne

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Scripture references are from The Holy Bible: New International Version. © 1984 by International Bible Society; NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, New King James Version (NKJV) Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and the King James Version.

Personal Mission Statement: "I am created by God to bring Him glory. Through God's Son Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and make it my life's goal to please the Lord. My mission in life is to honor God through my faith and obedience and prepare myself and all whom I may influence for eternity."

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Daily Encouragement Net - 495 Kraybill Church Road - Mount Joy, PA 17552  USA


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